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 Cobb County School District Enrollment Information:


The information below is a summary of the CCSD Enrollment Information. For a full description of enrollment requirements, please click HERE


What school should my child attend? 


You can easily find out what schools serve your home or potential home by using the convenient online Bus Route Finder. Just enter your complete street address to determine the correct high school. If you have further questions or need more clarification, call the Cobb County School District Transportation Office at 678-594-8000.

In order to register, you must upload pictures or files the following within the enrollment portal:

  • Parent, foster parent, or guardian with picture id accompanying the student unless the student is emancipated (Foster parent must also upload proof of student placement by the official agency)

  • Upload Two proofs of residency to verify residency within the District, two or more of the following items (no more than one from each category) are required:

    • Home ownership documentation or lease/rental agreement; and

    • Current utility monthly statement

  • Upload proof of adequate immunization on Georgia Form 3231 (Can be obtained from the Health Department or private physician)

  • Upload the Georgia Form 3300, Certificate of Ear, Eye, Dental & Nutritional Screening 

  • Upload student birth certificate

  • Upload student Social Security card, if available

  • Upload the student's transcript or report cards from previous schools. If you do not have this, please obtain contact information for prior school so we can request the records.

  • For first-time 9th graders, upload proof of promotion to ninth grade is required. This can typically found on a final 8th grade report card or school withdraw records. 

  • Upload special education records, if applicable

  • Upload disciplinary records, if applicable


If the residence is in the name of a party other than the parent/guardian, Mrs. Jones will email you an additional form called the Statement of Legal Residence before the student is enrolled. This form must be signed by the lessee or owner of the household. 


Please contact Mrs. Jones. Pebblebrook's Enrollment Clerk, should you need assistance:

770.819.2521 ext. 034 

Grade Placement: Based upon number of credits at the beginning of the current school year. Students placed in 10th grade must have earned 5 credits including 1 credit in Literature, Math and Science. Students placed in 11th grade must have earned 10 credits including 2 credits in Literature, Math, and Science. Students placed in 12th grade must have earned 16 credits and be on track for graduation.

¿Habla Español? ¿Necesita ayuda? Si usted no habla inglés y necesita ayuda con el proceso de inscripción contacta Sra Diana Rossie o 678-736-1953. 

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